Lee Abrams is the absurd spaceman that Tribune Co., in its infinite wisdom, has allowed to run its "innovation efforts" into the ground and write insane memos for the past two years. Today: a Tribune insider rants about Lee! Fun!

This Tribune TV employee emailed us to explain just how fed up he is with life under the guidance of Lee Abrams, a "batshit jerkoff who has made our lives suck" The highlights:

  • Lee Abrams' Reverse Dress Code: "I thought you might find it interesting for possible use to know that we've reached a new low in bat shit Lee Abrams land. When he comes to visit, no one is allowed dress nicely. It can get you fired. Yet he comes in giant fucking stretch pants looking like he hasn't taken a shower since the 60's. If the men here wear suits or a a suit jacket to look nice they get the "he doesn't get it" discussion from Lee behind their backs. That's Lee giving you the piece of paper with the black spot. If you disagree with him about any of his stupid radio ideas you "don't get it" and you're gone."
  • An Example of Lee Abrams' Innovation: "Now he wants us to air a cartoon block in the afternoon and call it "Hey, Kiss My Toons". It's supposed to appeal to guys. In the afternoon? TV? Guys? Watching television? Kiss My Toons?...He just went on in Seattle with "Joe-TV" and a similarly names cartoon block in the afternoon. But the station rejected the name 'Kiss My Toons' and they are calling it 'Cartoons From Hell'."
  • On Lee Abrams' Innovative 'Newscast Without Anchors' Idea: [Background on this is here]. "They are running into terrible rights problems with the upcoming Lee Abrams "Newscast without anchors" they're developing for Houston. 1) In the practice shows, they put in Ren and [Stimpy] clips and a clip from Rocky IV when the news did a story about the russians. You know, to be snarky. Of course it's a radio thing where radio stations play movie clips and drop ins and get away with it. But dumb radio hijinks like using movie clips and Ren and [Stimpy] dropins bring law suits when you do it on TV. You need to clear that stuff before you use it. I'm told he took a shit fit when they told him you couldn't use clips we didn't pay for. Doh! 2) He made the mistake of saying No One is watching the Tribune Houston KIAH-TV news so it's a good place to experiment there. Uh......the advertisers who paid good money to be on the newscast flipped out."
  • A Final Word: "There are people, good people here I'm seriously worried about them having stroke or heart problems cause no one knows what he's gonna pull out of his ass that morning that you have to worship or else "you don't get it". And don't dare wear makeup or dress nicely. Fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. The rebellion is growing, the clock is ticking....."

[Anyone with anything to add on this topic can email me].