Standing in a tent on the campus of The College of New Jersey, Matty Daley and Bobby Canciello earned a place in the Guinness World Records today by kissing for 33 hours. They livestreamed video of it and just finished.

When I tuned in to Matty and Bobby's Ustream video channel around 8PM, that had just emerged victorious. Their fans cheering in the background, Bobby sipped water from a bottle and Matty leaned into the camera and thanked the internet. The rules for "Longest Continuous Kiss" specify that the couple must be standing and in a public venue. The duo devised a system of hand signals and stretching exercises to get them through the physically grueling feat of staying awake for a day and a half, standing with your mouth mashed against someone else's. Here's a sample:

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Adult diapers are not allowed either (Guinness isn't into fetish kisses?) so the lads did a "cleanse" and nutritional training, too. No word on whether they peed at any point; before embarking on the kiss, they acknowledged having a contingency plan for that.

Matty and Bobby's stated goal was to "queer the Guinness World Records.". They are not lovers but "just friends." Bobby got permission from his boyfriend before embarking on the kiss. [Ustream, Facebook, MattyandBobbyKiss, Gay365 via Odie & jamisonono]