Facebook CEO Bailing Out Newark Schools Ahead of The Social Network Opening

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will appear on Oprah Friday to announce a $100 million donation to help resuscitate Newark's failed public school system. That's a lot of money, even for someone worth $6.9 billion. Talk about some well-timed PR!
The Social Network, the upcoming Aaron Sorkin movie that offers an unflattering portrait of Zuckerberg, opens October 1. On Tuesday night, Zuckerberg was spotted at a Seattle area screening of the now boob-less movie that he has said repeatedly he won't see. Perhaps seeing it inspired him to give so generously? Then yesterday, the Times reported the $100 million donation to Newark's school system:
Mr. Zuckerberg, 26, who grew up in Westchester County and now lives in California, has no particular connection to Newark. But in July, he and [Mayor Cory A.] Booker met at a conference and began a continuing conversation about the mayor's plans for the city, according to people familiar with their relationship.
Mr. Booker, an advocate of school choice, has been traveling the country, meeting business leaders and celebrities, proselytizing and raising money for Newark. Ms. Winfrey has been one of his biggest supporters, and has given millions of dollars to schools and other organizations in Newark over the last few years.
It never hurts to be on Team Oprah. [NYT]
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