This Is What Happens When You Crash a Chilean Rodeo

A 17-year-old animal rights activist was lassoed and dragged by rodeo riders in Chile last weekend after she and another protester entered the corral and disrupted the Patriotic Celebration Festival. Chilean cowboys take their rodeo riding seriously.
The video was posted on Boing Boing through a tip from a reader, who wrote:
A 17-year-old kid (or "woman", as the press prefers to call it) is lassoed and dragged by a horseman after she and other animal rights activists entered a corral to protest against the rodeo. According to the news article linked here, the Chilean Rodeo Federation's director "regretted what happened, but at the same time justified the attitude of the riders".
The comments on the Boing Boing post are mostly of the assholish "she deserved it" variety. Say what you will about the wisdom of jumping into a corral to protest animal cruelty, but the girl is 17 years old. Here's the video: