Steve Jobs' Email Enemy Got a 'B' on Her Assignment

Journalism student Chelsea Kate Isaacs got in an email pissing contest with Apple CEO Steve Jobs because the company's PR department wouldn't give her a comment for a class assignment. She tells us she got a "B/B+" on the paper.
Isaacs said she didn't include anything from her epic email exchange with Jobs in the assignment—an article on iPads in academic settings. (Big mistake!) But her professor was impressed by her tenacity. She printed out our original post and pulled Isaacs aside after class to talk about it. "She was pretty into it," Isaacs said.
So, no A. But Isaacs did get to go on Good Morning America, and she tells us a number of internship and job offers followed all the attention. Steve Jobs may have hoped to send a signal to college students that Apple wouldn't help them with their assignments by telling Isaacs to "Please leave us alone," but he may have just opened the floodgates for thousands of aspiring journalists hoping for their own email feud with Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs In Email Pissing Match with College Journalism Student