Sorry, Glee: True Blood Is Officially the Gayest Show on TV

Gay media watchdog GLAAD released its annual report about the number of gay characters on television. It turns out they're all on True Blood, which has the most 'mos of any show. Where else are the gays?
While HBO's vampire drama had the most non-heterosexuals on its roster, ABC has the most queer characters on its network: There are 11 gay characters across all of ABC's shows. As we already knew, CBS doesn't have much love for the gays. There's only one planned gay character on all of the network's comedies and dramas. (With all of their damn procedurals, you figure that has to be at least one lesbian cop. But no.) The study also found that there are more gay portrayals on cable than on network TV and that the presence of gay characters rose 0.9% from last year. Gay characters now account for 3.9% of all characters on network television. That's funny because gay people account for 43% of Bravo's entire audience and 100% of the people who think that Liza Minnelli, Dolly Parton, Barbra Streisand, and Betty White should star in a remake of The Golden Girls.