Students Say Roommate Had 'No Intention' of Spying on Tyler Clementi

Police believe they may have found the body of Tyler Clementi, the Rutgers student who jumped to his death after a roommate spied on him having gay sex. Meanwhile, some Rutgers students are saying Clementi's roommate's actions were misinterpreted.
Tyler's roommate, Dharun Ravi, turned on his computer's webcam and apparently spied on Clementi while he was hooking up with another man. After Clementi found out, he ended up throwing himself off the George Washington bridge. And while many Rutgers students are reportedly outraged over the invasion of privacy, the campus paper quotes others who knew Ravi saying that the whole thing was a misunderstanding:
Students said Clementi asked his roommate Ravi to leave the room so that he could have time alone with a guest on the evening of Sept. 19.
A strange, older male later arrived at the room, they said. Ravi went to Wei's room, where he used a computer to access footage of the room from his webcam, they said.
Ravi had no intention of witnessing any kind of intimate encounter between the two, but rather wanted to see if anything unusual was taking place inside his room, as he was not familiar with Clementi's guest, they said.
One student said Ravi is "a good guy who made a poor decision," which may well be true. The student also said that as soon as Ravi saw what was going on, he closed the window on his computer and stopped watching it. There's no way to know whether that's true.