Would You Be Fooled by Any of These Celebrity Lookalikes?

Toronto-based photographer John Hryniuk has spent the past couple of years photographing subjects at celebrity lookalike conventions. Do you think these George Bushes, Barack Obamas, Sarah Palins, Tiger Woods(es), and Hillary Clintons are as good as the real thing?

(Almost) Tiger Woods. [Click to enlarge]

(I Can't Believe It's Not) George W. Bush. [Click to enlarge]

(Fake) Barack Obama. [Click to enlarge]

He's not Dr. Phil, but he plays him on TV. [Click to enlarge]

(Bogus) Dame Edna. [Click to enlarge]

Freddie Mercury('s ghost) and (Ersatz) Axl Rose. [Click to enlarge]

(Not) Elvis Presley. [Click to enlarge]

(Surely not) Forrest Gump [Click to enlarge]

(Imaginary) Hillary Clinton. [Click to enlarge]

(Less scary) Sarah Palin. [Click to enlarge]

Kiss (Well, more like a Peck). [Click to enlarge]

(Cubic zirconium) Neil Diamond. [Click to enlarge]

Oprah Winfrey('s doppleganger) and (imaginary) Hillary Clinton. [Click to enlarge]

(Reimagined) Rod Stewart. [Click to enlarge]