She may have lost the family values vote, but what about the penis-nose fetishist vote? It's big with the Clockwork Orange crowd.

Krystal always had a strong grasp of the issues at hand.

Krystal made the unfortunate choice of referring to the dildo-nosed reindeer affair as a "gag." She means it was a joke.

The most-repeated joke of the night was probably, "Hey, there's a dildo attached to this fake penis!"

Do you think he made honking noises every time someone squeezed it?

Krystal Ball is on the far-right in this picture. Nose partner swap!

Other photographs from the party were vaguely embarrassing, too. Is that a poon harpoon?

I'm not sure what's going on here, but trust that it's not something a politician would want voters to see, anyway.

Krystal has a two-year-old daughter. These pictures will definitely be part of little Ella's teen angst phase.

Krystal Ball's response is to pull a Palin: "It's incredibly sexist" and "outrageous" that these pictures have emerged. She continues: "I'm angry at the way women in this country are unfairly treated in this regard when they step up and run for office." Because if a man sucked a rubber dick attached to the nose of another man, we would never publish that picture. Besides! What if we like politicians who pose with red dildos in their mouths, hmm? [Return to main article.]