The Ties That Bind: Baking Pot Brownies Brings Families Together

Baking pot brownies is fun, but have you ever cooked up a batch with your parents? That's a little weird, right? Well, it's quite the opposite for one young man and his father: "We spend our bonding time making brownies."
"Alex," a 21-year-old from Minnesota, told the Times that he was against drugs in high school, but in college he started smoking occasionally. After his father, who suffers from degenerative disc disease, had tried a wide range of painkillers that made him "feel like a zombie," he reluctantly decided to ask Alex for a weed hook up: "I was very uncomfortable getting my son involved." But now, they bake brownies together and do some father and son bonding.
And some chronic pain sufferers use their kids as a way to get some dank ass buds, because old people just can't get the good shit. "Bryan" has been hooking his parents up for five years now, and he even bakes them brownies and ginger snaps. His mother told the Times that had this been during his teen years, "We would have grounded him." Oh, how times change!
Still, there's something about getting high with your parents that just doesn't sound like fun. But you'll never know until you try it, right?