In your precipitous Monday media column: HuffPo's hefty bus price tag, the Tina Brown-to-Newsweek deal seems very close, a Jarvis-Weisberg Twitter feud, the Chicago Tribune's editor consoles his staff, and our boss is finally in a real magazine.

  • Arianna Huffington's unlimited free bus rides to Jon Stewart's DC rally is going to cost the HuffPo an estimated quarter million dollars. (Thank god they're profitable over there!) The 11,000 people on the buses will all have to sell ads on the way down to DC to make this thing pay for itself.
  • Daily Beast-Newsweek combination rumor update: it is looking very likely! The WSJ says today that a deal that would combine the two editorial operations and install Tina Brown as Newsweek's editor is now more likely than not. Barring some catastrophe, this is happening.
  • Slate's Jacob Weisberg and droning journalism nabob Jeff Jarvis are fighting on the Twitter. If this excites you, then this wondrous new media world is truly yours for the taking.
  • If you missed it, here's the Chicago Tribune editor's note to his staff in response to David Carr's monster takedown of the dysfunctional and amateurishly run Tribune Co. last week. The editor talks about the history books he keeps on his shelf, and stuff? Tribune Co. is still a disaster.
  • Today brings a magazine story about our very own Nick Denton.