Since she's Brazilian, you'd expect the gal to demonstrate some aversion to clothing, but VH1's censors must've had their hands full [ahem] when Marcia leapt into this skirmish wearing nothing but her glasses.

On the other hand, this week's scheduled physical challenge involved no nudity, unless you count what host Craig Jackson refers to as each player's "butt apparatus:"

[There was a video here]

After Marcia's team loses the challenge and conspires to put both her and her diminutive sidekick Feisty up for elimination, Marcia loses her clothes and her cool:

[There was a video here]

Remarkably, it's not this argument that gets Marcia eliminated, but THIS extraordinary bit of meanness, directed at Chi-Chi:

[There was a video here]

A recurring theme in the criticism of VH1's "celebreality" programming is that it crosses innumerable boundaries of good taste, so it's fascinating to watch some of the players of this game police themselves by drawing their own line of morality in the Mexican sand. Brooklyn, this week's paymaster, also lost his father at a relatively young age, so this week's elimination ceremony passes without any deliberation: Marcia is sent packing.