I Love Money: "This Game Is Like The Price Is Right In Hell"
Chris Wyman · 11/18/10 04:18PMWhat begins as a guessing contest quickly descends into the kind of torturous game that cats play with mice while they work up their appetite. To no one's surprise, it's Punisher who plays the role of the tabby mastermind.
I Love Money's Fan-Favorite Challenge: The Stripper Poles... OF DOOM!
Chris Wyman · 11/11/10 06:45PMI Love Money Contemplates an Eternity of Sexy, Rain-Soaked Torment
Chris Wyman · 11/01/10 08:30AMIs this "Talk to the Hand" challenge a variation on the old CCD trick to get young minds to grasp the concept of an eternity in Hell? Watch Brittanya the she-devil add another horny male soul to her collection.
A Tribute to Garth, I Love Money's "Lovable Pervert"
Chris Wyman · 10/21/10 02:42PMMarcia Is Mean and Naked on I Love Money
Chris Wyman · 10/11/10 04:15PMSince she's Brazilian, you'd expect the gal to demonstrate some aversion to clothing, but VH1's censors must've had their hands full [ahem] when Marcia leapt into this skirmish wearing nothing but her glasses.
I Love Money's First Cat-fight of the Season
Chris Wyman · 10/04/10 04:26PMA VH1 reality show isn't really "official" until it features its first cat-fight, right? Also... what oddities might one expect to find at a "Mexican Roadside Circus?"
Sticky Kisses & Sex Kittens on I Love Money
Chris Wyman · 09/27/10 11:55AMThis week's kiss-tasting challenge was inspired by the Rock of Love incident in which Marcia kissed Bret Michaels moments after praying at the porcelain altar. On VH1, there's always time for coffee-flavored kisses and a bit of conversation.
Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day
Whitney Jefferson · 09/20/10 03:00PMOur Nation's Prayers Have Been Answered: I Love Money is Back on VH1
Chris Wyman · 09/20/10 01:35PMDo Reality Show Spoilers Actually Spoil Anything?
Richard Lawson · 09/25/08 11:41AM
Heads up. I Love Money spoiler alert. Srsly, don't read any further if you care deeply about this soiled VH1 reality competition show (in which cast members from other soiled VH1 reality programs compete for... well, money). Someone called Hoopz wins. LA Rag Mag was at the Fox Reality Really Awards (yes, apparently this exists) last night and the results of the show were divulged. The question we have is: does this make a difference? Will you still watch or has the spoiler truly spoiled? Remember when those Project Runway spoilers were leaked? Well, they kinda turned out to be fake, but still! 25,000 of you guys clicked and—I'm assuming because why else would you possibly care—25,000 of you watch the show. So you were prepared to soldier on, despite knowing some of the results. Which, I guess, says something positive about elimination-based reality programming: that you're willing to enjoy the ride as much as the giddy final destination. Which means that the producers are doing something right in their efforts to craft worthy hours of television. Because the other option would be that watching seasons of these shows is nothing but a depressing slog to the bitter end. That—and I would posit that this is the case with a show like America's Next Top Model—if you knew the winner up front you'd just sort of clap your hands and say "yup, that's it! Moving on." Which would probably be good for the world but bad for people like me who make their sad livings with exhaustive and silly recaps of these shows. I like the idea that the early episodes aren't just means to a finale. There's something progressive and achieved in each individual installment. And that either indicates that we're not wasting our time with these things, or that we are, in fact, wasting even more time than we'd ever imagined. Either way, look at those Fashion Week PR spoilers all you want, because you'll probably keep watching the show and reading about it here anyway, yeah?? And, I suppose, if you can hear the television over the squishing and moaning sound of your brain dying, you can keep watching I Love Money, too. Even though you now know that Hoopz wins. Hoopz wins, y'all. Hoopz wins.
Summer Television Just Got A Whole Lot Skankier With The Debut Of 'I Love Money'
Mark Graham · 07/07/08 07:00PMIn a summer that's been largely bereft of tantalizing television moments (The Two Coreys notwithstanding), the premiere of Vh1's I Love Money has been shining like a beacon of bad taste on our horizons for some time. Conceived as the network's version of the now stagnant Real World / Road Rules Challenge franchise, I Love Money puts some of our favorite former contestants of dating shows like Flavor Of Love and I Love New York together in a villa to find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real ... real drunk, that is. The show's first episode aired as a 90-minute special last night and, as expected, it blew our collective minds in the way it unabashedly celebrates the lowest of lowbrow culture.
VH1 and Slide sign deal to create Facebook's killer app — Flavor Flav SuperPokes
Jackson West · 06/30/08 12:00PM
On Wednesday, Facebook and MySpace users who have installed Slide's near-ubiquitous SuperPoke widget — the one that lets you throw sheep — will be able to send messages branded with characters and slogans from VH1's stable of reality series such as Flavor Flav from Flavor of Love. It's all an effort to promote the new series I Love Money — which, surprisingly, does not star hypercompetitive Slide founder Max Levchin. Who knew?