"Hard core hip hop" band "Imperial Stars" today struck upon the best guerrilla promotion ever when they blocked the jam-packed 101 Freeway in Hollywood in order to perform their hit song Traffic Jam 101 atop their logo-emblazoned panel truck.

Imperial Stars, which features one dude who looks exactly like Shaun White, along with two other dudes, got themselves lots of publicity from violently angry commuters, as well as the police. You can see how this action will support their stated mission of "benefiting the displaced children of America through the voice of music." Imperial Stars will now be better known then ever before. Indeed, all it takes is one look at the video for their hit song Traffic Jam 101 to make the average Youtube commenter declare, "i love the song that was awsome you held up traffic on the 101 freeway today and all you haters out there were the ones who were stuck in traffic if you knew they were doing it for a good cause like they are helping homeless childern with the proceeds from this song  that is so awesome so know your facts before you go hateing on someone." Indeed. Imperial Stars of the freeway—and the world!