
Tax Weed, Save the Homeless

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/16 08:30AM

Life is not all about sitting around “getting high” and daydreaming about saving the world and having hot sex at the same time. Life is about tax policy—that’s where the action is.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/21/16 01:40PM

Scientists say the number of annual “extreme heat” days in Los Angeles could increase by 800% over the course of this century. Good thing future L.A. residents will have futuristic air-conditioning in their self-driving cars as they sit in future sweltering traffic jams, wondering where their dreams went wrong.

50 Years After the Riots, Watts Projects and LAPD Learn to Co-Exist

Leighton Woodhouse · 08/11/15 11:31AM

At a recent staff meeting at the Southeast Division station of the Los Angeles Police Department, Ryan Whiteman, a tall, barrel-chested sergeant, ran down the mid-year crime stats for Jordan Downs, a public housing development in the Watts neighborhood of South L.A.. Jordan Downs is home to some of the most destitute families in Los Angeles County. “Five generations of abject poverty,” is how civil rights attorney Connie Rice described the 700-unit complex, which looks like a cross between a tenement and a dilapidated army barracks. “It’s Third World America.”

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/15 03:51PM

“The recent handcuffing of an inmate without food for 32 hours is part of a troubling pattern of similar mistreatment in the Los Angeles County jails since [last year]... Inspector General Max Huntsman cited three additional incidents in which inmates were allegedly tethered to objects for prolonged periods.”

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/15 12:15PM

The city of Los Angeles says it spends more than $100 million per year on homelessness, for a homeless population of 23,000. More than 80% of that money is spent on things that are not "building places for the homeless to live," which could be one reason the homeless population in L.A. is growing.

One Earthquake Could Make Los Angeles Die of Thirst

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/14 10:15AM

For those of us who live on the East Coast, contemplating the demise of Los Angeles at the hands of Mother Nature is like watching a horror movie, rather than like being in a horror movie. Did you know one little earthquake could make the whole place dry up and blow away?

That Time I Took the Bus and Everything Was Great

Nathan Deuel · 08/06/14 02:45PM

The other night, I was going to the launch party for my new book, but the hosting bookstore happened to be on the other side of town, in Los Feliz, while I meanwhile was a new resident of Venice, an hour's drive away—or more in mid-afternoon traffic—so I considered my options.

L.A. Wins "Least Breathable Air" Title

Hamilton Nolan · 04/30/14 08:53AM

Say what you will about Los Angeles—that it's a hellpit of plastic-enhanced heathens teetering on the brink of seismic annihilation, for example—but give the city this: it has America's worst air.

L.A'.s Most Arrested Person Is a Homeless Grandmother

Hamilton Nolan · 04/29/14 08:50AM

The person who has been arrested more than anyone else in Los Angeles in the past six years is not a drug dealer or a gang member. It is Annie Moody, a 59 year-old homeless grandmother who lives on skid row.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/08/14 09:41PM

[Protestors inadvertently made a Los Angeles street pedestrian-friendly during a demonstration outside the Los Angeles Unified School District headquarters today. The 375 desks represent the average number of students that drop out of the school district each week. Image by Richard Vogel via AP.]

Hamilton Nolan · 03/06/14 03:16PM

Above a Whole Foods in Beverly Hill sits America's most prestigiously situated low income housing development.

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/14 02:47PM

Decades of accumulated weather data show that Los Angeles, California has more pleasant days per year than any other city in America, which is all the more reason to bulldoze Los Angeles and move New York City there.