Multiple penis pictures hit the market—will we see West's wang? Katy Perry plans a monochromatic wedding. David Arquette wishes he didn't talk shit about his estranged wife's sex life. Thursday gossip has 20/20 hindsight and bionic penis-vision.

  • Did Kanye West make like a professional athlete and send pictures of his penis to paramours? "The self-snapped pictures... were reportedly sent to a number of women, and are now for sale and being shopped to various media outlets," reports Radar, which saw two penis pictures with its own radar-like eyes. This means they were probably negotiating to buy the pictures, but failed to seal the deal (wrong price? legal troubles?) so they cut their losses and ran a story about the negotiations, instead. "One image shows a nude Kanye from the chest up, wearing sunglasses and a gold chain, while the second photo shows the singer's genitals provocatively exposed from his boxer briefs." Apparently "he hit so many girls up on MySpace" that there's a whole micro-economy of Kanye West cock shots out there. As is always the case with nudie pics, we'll believe it when we see it. [Radar, image via Getty]
  • Gavin Rossdale admits he had a "one-time experimentation" with a genderbending man when he was 17. The tween selves of an entire generation gay men are freaking out right now. [DailyMail]

Ashlee Simpson got a blonde pixie cut to match her son. Husband Pete Wentz tweeted a picture. [@PeteWentz]

  • David Arquette is sorry for discussing estranged wife Courteney Cox's "methodical" sex life on Howard Stern's radio show. In a series of sad, humiliated tweets, the man who is still trying to win back his wife (likely unsuccessfully) announced, "I'm trying figuring out how to be the best person I can be. but it's been a process of trial and error. I went on Howard Stern yesterday to provide clarity and honesty about what I'm experiencing but while doing that I shared too's alright for me to be honest about my own feelings but in retrospect some of the information I provided involved others and for that I am sorry and humbled..Life is a process of spiritual evolution." This is almost too painful to watch. [@DavidArquette, P6]
  • Meanwhile, his "one conquest," catfighting cocktail waitress Jasmine Waltz, is telling people his claim that he banged her "one, maybe two times" is a lie: "She had sex multiple with David over the course of more than a month." David's line did sound like a sheepish lie—who forgets whether they slept with someone once or twice? Maybe if it was four or five, but the difference between one and two is unforgettable. [TMZ]
  • Courteney, on the other hand, is "in love" with Cougar Town costar Brian van Holt. What if this is all a viral marketing campaign for her sexy old lady show? [Radar]
  • John Mayer went to the after-party for Hilary Swank movie Conviction, but sniffed that he "doesn't do events anymore" because they're all "too Gossip Girl." If by "Gossip Girl" he means that every utterance will be captured by eavesdroppers and printed on websites, then I guess he's right? No need to thank us John; we're here to make you seem sane. [P6]
  • The plague of celebrity break-ups continues: Linda Evangelista and restaurant mogul husband Peter Morton have apparently split. Linda started dating Peter when she was pregnant with an unnamed man's baby; Page Six maintains the father is Salma Hayek fiance Francois-Henri Pinault, a billionaire apparently bent on improving the aesthetic quality of his family gene pool. [P6]
  • Dane Cook's half brother is going to jail for embezzling millions from his movie star sibling. [People]
  • Ridiculous Perry-Brand wedding rumor of the day: "The wedding will be themed, with guests asked to all wear the same color. The only problem is, nobody yet knows what color." [P6]
  • Angelina Jolie is filming her Bosnian love story movie in Hungary because Bosnia rejected her application to film there. It was probably just a clerical error on her end, but a Bosnian women's group thinks the movie—about a Serbian man who falls in love with a Bosnian woman—is "misleading" because if it happened, it "would be between a Serbian rapist and his Muslim victim." I can't figure out if they're being racist, or she is. Don't you hate it when the politically correct high ground gets muddled? Who are we supposed to condescend, here? [Us]
  • The scourge that is Lauren Conrad as a cultural touchstone lives on: Her new reality show starts filming next week. [Us]