Today at Gawker.TV, Pee-Wee Herman lets his imaginiation go wild on Late Night, Diddy is a professional "sexter," Grey's Anatomy highlights the male torso, and Michael Scott tells all of his ex-girlfriends that he has herpes on The Office.

Community's Rocket-Fueled, Kentucky-Fried Product Placement Episode
Last night's episode of Community experimented with product placement by writing an entire script around a sponsor. KFC was that sponsor, which might have been difficult to advertise—had they not created a flight simulator fueled by the Colonel.

Pee-Wee Herman Brings the Imagination Back to Late Night
Jimmy Fallon recalls the thrilling moment when he found out that Pee-Wee was booked as a guest for his show. Also catch his reaction when an audience member shouts "I love you!" Lastly they discuss his new understudy, Regis Philbin.

Watch Michael Scott Tell Five Ex-Girlfriends He's Got Herpes on The Office
Have you ever risen from slumber to find a giant herpe on your lip? If so, last night's Office must've been cathartic for you, because Michael Scott shares your pain. Watch him tell all of his ex-girlfriends about his disease.

P. Diddy Tackles the Brett Favre Scandal, Admits to Being a Sexting Pro
On the Late Show, P. Diddy explains proper "sexting" procedure, the phenomenon that's sweeping the teenage and aging frat boy nation. Diddy advises "sexters" to "sext" headless photos, and gives pointers on getting the right shot.

Grey's Anatomy: Not Live, But Still Awesome Thanks to Frances Conroy and Jesse Williams' Abs
Despite what Alessandra Stanley might think, special guest stars are definitely one of the highlights of a lot of great primetime TV. That being said, last night's Grey's featured powerhouse performances by Frances Conroy and Jesse WillIams', um, "Situation."