Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs' Quaint Dinner Date

Apple CEO Steve Jobs and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg have had a turbulent relationship. One day, Apple is paying Facebook for a fancy "sponsored group." The next, Zuckerberg is trashing the iPhone. Did their recent dinner date smooth things over?
The LA Times reports that Jobs had Zuckerberg over for dinner two weeks ago, and a tipster "spotted them on a stroll in Palo Alto." Cute! According to the Times, the two chatted about Ping, Apple's new music social networking site.
Anyway, it's notable that news of a meeting between these notoriously private tech moguls leaked, and via an anonymous tipster no less. When Eric Schmidt was spotted on his own date with Steve Jobs earlier this year, we speculated it was a PR move to signal a thaw in the Google-Apple war. Maybe Mark Zuckerberg's iPhone 4 has really grown on him? More likely: The two companies are close to hashing out a previously-aborted agreement to let Ping piggyback on Facebook.
[Pics via Getty Images]