Joseph Jacobi, who owns a pizzeria in Buffalo, pleaded guilty in August to withholding more than $104,000 in state taxes. His sentence: Deliver 12 pizzas every week to the Buffalo City Mission for a year.

What a hilarious sentence, State Supreme Court Justice Russell Buscalia! Except for the whole, "separation of church and state" thing that gets violated. Not that they're not a worthy organization! Though they might just like to have the money instead of the pizzas. And also: Twelve pizzas will run this guy, what, like $50 in lost revenue every week? And that's what he gets instead of jail? Just because he owns Casa-di-Pizza on Elmwood Avenue? What, if I cheat on my taxes can I write 12 blog posts a week for homeless people? It would have been funnier if they had cut this guy's hands off like they do in stereotypes of Arab cultures.

[WIVB via Fark]