Is Page Six Going to Hell Already?

The New York Post's gossip column Page Six issued a correction today but it still hasn't caught two mistakes it made the day before yesterday. Is new editor Emily Smith really ready to take over the storied gossip column?
Page Six ran this correction in today's column:
Our item yesterday about the sale of Aby Rosen's East 94th Street townhouse misidentified American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault as the buyer. Rosen must have been a bit confused — the buyer was a different Amex honcho, Vice Chairman Edward P. Gilligan. We regret the confusion.
There are a few weird things about this. First of all, it clearly identifies Aby Rosen as the source of the information. Shouldn't Page Six be keeping its sources—even incorrect ones—confidential? Blaming Rosen for making the gaffe is hardly going to encourage other people to come forward and provide the column with information.
But Page Six still hasn't corrected this error from two days ago identifying supermodel Niki Taylor as one of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Like the column stated, Taylor was part of a Celebrity Apprentice challenge. But she's certainly no Real Housewife. (Perhaps there's some confusion because both Taylor and Atlanta Housewife NeNe Leakes are part of the cast?) And as if that's not bad enough, two sentences later, Justin Bieber's name is misspelled. In bold. What the hell? (A screen shot of the offending item is below, in case they try to make this one disappear.)
Everyone makes mistakes (including us), but long-time Page Six editor Richard Johnson has been gone hardly a week and there are already a handful of mistakes that have popped up—and those are just the ones we noticed. That's not very promising, is it?