We've heard about the troubling behavior of Meg Whitman's eldest son, Griffith Harsh, who has been arrested twice and accused of rape. Let's check in on younger brother William. He appeared in court on Tuesday on a careless driving charge.

The Municipal Court of Princeton Township confirmed to us that William Harsh made it to his Tuesday morning court appearance on a careless driving charge. The violation was issued by a Princeton University police officer, and records suggest someone was injured in the accident, although it's not clear who or how badly. Court officials refused to comment on the case without a formal request in writing, and a person who answered the phone at Princeton's campus police department also declined comment. Calls to the local prosecutor's office were not answered.

Even with his mother's election fast approaching, the notorious Princeton rugby player can't seem to stay out of trouble. Previous police citations during Will's tenure at Princeton include a 2009 disorderly persons charge, which was dismissed, and a 2007 noise complaint, to which he pleaded guilty. Will's previous brushes with the law are below.

[Additional reporting by Sergio Hernandez]


The Rape Accusation Against Meg Whitman's Son That Got Hushed Up
Will Harsh's Tantrum Over a Princeton Rugby Field
Meg Whitman's Sons' Racism and Entitlement Were Stuff of Legend