Subway Horror Stories: Train Hits Head

To the standard "Subway nightmares" list of being pushed onto the tracks, sitting on nasty seats, or just embarrassing yourself, we can add: leaning out over the tracks and having a train hit you in the head. It happens.
Will Rokos—the screenwriter of Monster's Ball (!)—was standing on the platform at 14th St. and 7th Avenue on Saturday, waiting for a 2 train. He stuck his head out to take a look into the tunnel:
Suddenly, the northbound train barreled into the station, striking Rokos in the head. The impact sent him flying into the platform, where straphangers found him lying on his side.
You know you have done this, too! If it can happen to a famous screenwriter, it can happen to anyone. Rokos is reportedly in "critical but stable" condition. We pray for his recovery. Let this be a lesson to all of us: tunnel-peering is not "cool."
[NYP. Photo: Kamal Hamid]