The alternate juror in the death-penalty trial of the man convicting of slaughtering a family in Connecticut may have spoiled the proceedings by passing a note to the bailiff: "Sunday 5 p.m. Side Street Grille." She was asking him out.

The jury convicted Stephen Hayes of three brutal capital murders in October; now, they are deciding whether or not to impose the death penalty. The note-sender—who is the final remaining alternate juror—will stick around for now, but Judge Jon C. Blue is pissed:

Although I am a romantic at heart, [this was a] damn stupid thing to do.

The lovestruck juror promises not to let her crush affect the literal life-or-death decision she may have ahead. Defense lawyer Thomas Ullman wants to dismiss her, anyway:

You know, we're in the middle of a death penalty hearing. There's a lot at stake for everyone.

According to the New York Times, Judge Blue "might reconsider the issue" if the alternate juror ends up in the real jury. They're expected to make their decision by the end of the week, so if all 12 real jurors can last four more days, the point will end up moot. And then the alternate juror can finally go on her date! [NYT, image via Artsem Martysiuk/Shutterstock]