
Hudson Hongo · 06/21/15 06:00PM

According to the New York Daily News, presidential hopeful and deflated basketball Donald Trump has ignored five jury duty summonses in the last nine years, finally receiving a subpoena in March for “failure to respond to summons for petit jury service.” Trump reportedly also flouted that order, receiving a $250 fine.

Tom Hanks Disrupts Abuse Trial by Being America's Sweetheart

Caity Weaver · 09/11/13 03:17PM

Earlier this week, the crisp reds, whites, and blues of American flags popped a little more brightly against her amber waves of grain as actor Tom Hanks proudly reported to a Los Angeles courthouse to perform his civic duty.

The Teardrop Tattoo Will Be His Undoing

Simone Jacobson · 11/24/12 12:05PM

I'm reporting for my first jury duty summons at 500 Indiana Avenue. Though I have lived and worked in Washington, D.C. for over a decade, I have never been called to court for my civic duty to "serve."

Cat Summoned for Jury Duty

Maureen O'Connor · 01/17/11 05:42PM

A lady in Boston listed her cat on her Census form, and now the cat has been summoned for jury duty.

How to Get Off (and On!) a Jury

cityfile · 09/02/09 11:54AM

The best way to get out of jury duty? Use the recession as an excuse! Kindly explain to the judge that you're already having difficulty making ends meet and if you're forced to take off any additional time, you may very well lose your home. (Mentioning you also happen to be a single parent and you take care of your sick aunt isn't such a bad idea either.) You may just find yourself in front of a judge like the one interviewed in today's Times, who says he's doing his best to "be sensitive to the economic times" and has been dismissing prospective jurors who can't afford to be there. If you're unemployed, however, it's a whole different story.

Al Roker: Twitter Addict, Courthouse Criminal

cityfile · 05/28/09 02:11PM

Al Roker headed downtown to do jury duty today, as the friendly folks from the Today show explained on TV this morning. Unfortunately, Al decided to document the experience by taking pictures and tweeting from inside the courthouse, which, at least according to TMZ, constitutes a crime of some sort. Al quickly fired back ("I'm not breaking laws... just trying to share the experience of jury duty"), and his rep informed TMZ that he had authorization to do it. But then TMZ countered with the news that you can't actually get permission to take photos inside the jury assembly room, although "if Al got bogus advice, it's not his fault." Al is now clearing up the matter by clarifying that he never asked for permission, but he's stopped taking pictures and he was excused from jury duty this afternoon anyway, so can we all drop it? We'd be happy to. [TMZ]