MSNBC Might as Well Suspend Joe Scarborough, Too

MSNBC suspended Keith Olbermann because he donated to candidates' campaigns. Uh, so did Joe Scarborough. Alabama campaign finance records show he made a $5,000 donation to an Alabama state legislative candidate. Scarborough claims it was his wife's donation.
Here's the donation from Scarborough, co-host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, via Politico: (Click to enlarge.)

This is in addition to a $4,200 donation Scarborough made to Oregon congressional candidate Derrick kitts in 2006, which he apparently got permission to make. So, as long as MSNBC is mindlessly suspending people for donating to political campaigns, they might as well be consistent about it.
(Fun fact: Joe Scarborough also writes for Politico! Maybe they published this story so he'll have more time to write cool articles for them.)
[Image via Getty]