South Dakota Congresswoman-elect Kristi Noem narrowly won the election season's "hottest race" — the one with two under-40 female candidates — last week. And now her drooling male colleagues in Washington may give her a spot in the leadership!

Noem is a true Mama Grizzly, a Tea Party favorite and mother who lives on a ranch in South Dakota. A campaign ad of her doing ranch stuff while complaining about the national debt and unknowingly posing for the next GOP Babes calendar is above.

John Boehner likes what he sees, and will make her extremely powerful right away:

Washington (CNN) – Three senior House GOP leadership sources told CNN on Monday that they are planning to add a leadership slot for a freshman member.

Two of the sources said that South Dakota's Kristi Noem has expressed interest in the leadership post and appears to have the backing of the current GOP leadership.

Think we're being too shallow in our analysis of why she's likely to get the spot?

If she got the spot, it could help the new House Republican majority with two issues: bringing someone associated with the Tea Party movement into the leadership fold, and adding another woman.

Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who also would fit those criteria, is running for caucus chair but is not expected to beat Jeb Hensarling of Texas, who also is running.

So long, Michele Bachmann. It's over. You're through. America will now coast on the KristiWave.