Indonesia's conservative information minister, Tifatul Sembiring, is eating so much crow for shaking Michelle Obama's hand upon the Obamas' arrival in Jakarta. Sembiring makes a point of not touching unrelated women! So he's awkwardly blaming Michelle Obama for this.

Sembiring is apparently a crazy asshole who loves two things: Shunning women, and writing terrible things on Twitter. He has let the public know that he "avoids contact with women who are not related to him" and written tweets "blaming natural disasters on a lack of morality," "joking about AIDS," and incorporating Hitler quotes. He's like a mild version of Pat Robertson.

So what is he doing in the clip above? That's Sembiring, alright, the one smiling and laughing like a giddy fan as he extends his hand to Michelle Obama, wanting desperately to make contact with hers. How could he break his own rule like this? Is he a hypocrite? Heavens no! According to him, the First Lady set him up:

After footage broadcast on Indonesian television clearly showed Mr. Sembiring reaching out to clasp the first lady's hand after they were introduced by Mr. Obama, a female journalist whose hand the minister has refused to shake poked fun at him on Twitter.

Stung, Mr. Sembiring claimed on his Twitter feed that Mrs. Obama had made it impossible for him to avoid touching her hand, writing: "I tried to prevent [being touched] with my hands but Mrs. Michelle held her hands too far toward me [so] we touched."

Sure, Sembiring. We all believe you.