Sasha Frere-Jones to News Corp

In your paradigm-shifting Tuesday media column: Sasha Frere-Jones decamps, Keith Olbermann declaims, Brides magazine double-entendres, and the NYT deconstructs.
- News Corp really wants its new iPad newspaper project, currently in development, to succeed—they've been on a hiring spree for months. Today, they got a big one: New Yorker music critic Sasha Frere-Jones. (He's a white male, don't be embarrassed, he gets asked all the time!) They must have given him so much money! And he'll still keep on writing for the New Yorker, too. See, your dreams can come true, young music writers! As soon as Sasha Frere-Jones retires.
- Keith Olbermann did his special comment last night on Ted Koppel's fusty old proclamations about the good old days of journalism and he (Olbermann) was actually quite eloquent, forceful, and incisive. If he could get his ego under control he could be a very respected man.
- Oh my god, Brides Magazine is running a new promotion and the tagline is, get this, "Stoned and Dangerous." Hahaha! Do they even know that is slang for drugs?? Si Newhouse is going to blow his top when he gets wind of this caper! Hahaha!
- The New York Times is integrating its web and print newsrooms more and more, today announcing the promotions of two digital-side editors, and a new reporting structure for online writers. The full memo is here.