Science Guy! NASA machine! Heart drug! Rapid feedback! Skinny death! Meteor shower! And fake exercise myths from fake exercise scientists! It's your Wednesday Science Watch, where we watch science—pseudoscientifically!

  • Not to alarm the world, but Bill Nye, Science Guy "collapsed on stage in Los Angeles Tuesday night in front of hundreds of audience members during a presentation at USC." He's feeling better now reportedly, but we must ask, is this the end of science? We must ask.
  • Will NASA's $1.5 billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer really answer the question of what the universe is made of? Or will it turn out to just be a big expensive pile of metal and junk? Neither of us are qualified to know, so we'll just believe whatever they scientists tell us, so there's no point worrying about it.
  • A new drug may turn back the clock on heart disease, but then again, it may not.
  • What will make you perform your best in this fast-paced modern world? Rapid feedback will. Psychologists say that expecting rapid feedback will keep you prepared for the worst, but performing your best. As a blogger, this is the opposite of my experience with rapid feedback.
  • Weight loss is good sometimes but not worth dying for. Believe me, I'm a science.
  • The Leonid meteor shower peaks tonight! If you don't watch it you are a loser, science-wise. Or live in an urban area, same thing.
  • Listen to this absolute crapola: the NYT and its science conspirators would have us believe that some people don't even get any benefits from exercise, just because some jerks did a study that's like, "the researchers enrolled 175 sedentary adults in a 21-week exercise program. Some lifted weights twice a week. Others jogged or walked. Some did both." Oh, breaking, *walking twice a week* doesn't make you fit. Why doesn't the so-called "science community of fitness things" try this one on for size?

[Pic: FB]