Today at Gawker.TV, Leah Remini goes on a boob-grabbing spree on The Talk, Jon Stewart rips Charlie Rangel, Jay-Z's awkward Late Show interview, and Jimmy Fallon and Bruce Springsteen perform Willow Smith's "Whip My Hair."

Bruce Springsteen and Jimmy Fallon Perform Willow Smith's "Whip My Hair"
Late Night dedicated the entire hour The Boss, which allowed for lots of interview time and multiple performances. The hit of the night, though, was this clip of Jimmy Fallon (as Neil Young) and Bruce singing Willow Smith's hit song.

Leah Remini is a Boob-Grabbing Machine on The Talk
The Talk hosts were in the middle of a heated discussion about young girls wearing breast cancer awareness bracelets that say "I love boobies." What happened next can only be described as a truly "WTF" moment in daytime TV.

Jon Stewart Has Some Choice Words for Charlie Rangel
On last night's Daily Show, Jon Stewart addressed the ethics violations being leveled at New York State Congressman Charlie Rangel. Using Rangel's ridiculous justifications as a jumping off point, Stewart ripped him and his lack of accountability to shreds.

Jay-Z Talks About Growing Up in the Projects in an Awkward Interview with David Letterman
Last night on the Late Show, Jay-Z discussed growing up in the projects, and dealt with Letterman's slightly condescending, awkwardly phrased and obvious-answer questions. Also, as noted by Jay-Z, the audience chose some pretty strange moments to clap and cheer.

Rainn Wilson Plays a Game About His Office Co-Stars on Rachael Ray
This morning, Rainn Wilson stopped by Rachael Ray's kitchen to promote his altruistic new guide to life book Soul Pankcakes. Somewhere along the way, out came his Office co-stars heads on sticks and rapid-fire questioning, truth serum to the stars.