In last night's Nightline interview, Cher discussed her Burlesque co-star, what it's like to work with younger girls and why she envies Meryl Streep. As with every interview with the icon, Cher provides us with some amazing sound bites.

Cher also talked about the pain of being considered a "joke" at various points in her career.

[There was a video here]

Of course, every interviewer wants to know how Cher feels about her son's gender reassignment surgery. Although Cher embraces Chaz and his decision, she still seems to struggle with which pronouns to use.

[There was a video here]

Okay, yes, Burlesque looks like it will be a disaster, but we're still going to see it just for this scene. No one can do a power ballad like Cher!

[There was a video here]