How Chris Christie Manufactures His Angry Viral Videos

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has won over many fans with his bold technique of yelling at people — teachers, lady-harassers, etc. — and uploading clips of these to YouTube. But are his would-be victims catching on to this gimmick?
There are few moves in politics right now that will give any politician, either Republican or Democrat, more national buzz as a "rising star" than than yelling at teachers unions — or whatever other special interests Oprah doesn't approve of. And according to a new profile from New York's Jason Zengerle, Chris Christie sure as hell knows this! He brings a camera with him to any event with expected yelling opportunities, and he's even started baiting his crowd:
Almost everywhere Christie goes, he is filmed by an aide whose job is to capture these "moments," as the governor's staff has come to call them. When one occurs, Christie's press shop splices the video and uploads it to YouTube; from there, conservatives throughout the country share Christie clips the way tween girls circulate Justin Bieber videos. "The YouTube stuff is golden," says Rich Lowry, the editor of National Review. "I can't tell you how many people forward them to me." One video on Christie's YouTube channel-a drubbing he delivered to another aggrieved public-school teacher at a town hall in September-has racked up over 750,000 views.
Now in Moorestown, Christie was hoping to create another such moment. After some introductory remarks, he opened the floor to questions. "For those of you who have seen some of my appearances on YouTube," he cautioned, peeling off his suit jacket as he spoke, "this is when it normally happens." Then, recognizing the man who was first in line at the microphone, Christie began to grin. "This could happen right here, ladies and gentlemen! This guy at times has the tendency to annoy me … Get ready! If you have your own cameras, start rolling!" But the man proceeded to lob Christie a softball, asking why the Legislature wouldn't pass the governor's education proposals. And the subsequent questions from the audience only got softer, as it seemed that everyone at the town hall was a supporter. "I want to take this moment to say two words to you, and that is thank you," said one woman, not even bothering with a question. Christie did his best to pepper his responses with bombastic shots at his absent political opponents-"This is the crap I have to listen to," he said of some of their criticisms-but the performance soon became like watching a prizefighter shadowbox.
What assholes at this event! All Governor Sandwiches wanted to do was yell at his constituents for personal political gain and National Review's amusement, and they wouldn't even ask him any dumb-ish questions. Sheesh. Hopefully the cameraman was at least able to get footage of him "peeling off his suit jacket," rolling up his sleeves, and any other hammy let's cut the crap and get down to business! body language.