An early leaked version of the coroner's report on the mysterious shooting death of Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen revealed that she was shot with at least one hollow point bullet. That's only one of today's conspiracy theory-inducing new crumbs.

Chasen was shot and killed in her car in Beverly Hills earlier this month while driving home from the Burlesque premiere party. Solid evidence is scant, and no eyewitnesses have come forward. Still, as of last week there were rumors that she was the victim of everything from a Russian mob hit to a gang initiation.

The fact that she was shot with a 9mm hollow point could be an indication that her shooter was looking to inflict the maximum possible damage on Chasen's body—or not. It could have been anyone, who just happened to have hollow point bullets loaded in their handgun. Still, it's something. Here's the latest chatter:

  • Says the NY Post: "There are reports that a man was seen lurking on a traffic island near the crime scene a couple of hours before Chasen was shot. Rumors that a close relative owed hundreds of thousands in gambling debts."
  • Boyfriends! Everywhere! "'She told me she had a boyfriend in New York, but it was just for fun,' added Nadia Bronson, another friend. 'I said, 'You seem to have a boyfriend in every port — that's only for the young chicks!' She said, 'No, it's for us, too.' But she kept that part of her life private.'"
  • RadarOnline says that traffic cameras at the intersection where Chasen was killed were "disabled" at the time of her shooting. But they don't say by whom, or why, or how.
  • Some say that having one hollow point bullet and other bullets that weren't hollow points prove that there were multiple guns and, therefore, multiple shooters. But if you think about it, it really does not prove that at all, necessarily.
  • Why won't the Beverly Hills PD call in outside help with Chasen's murder? We're guessing because they like to work on high profile murders?

[Photo via Getty]