Today Star reported that Britney Spears' ex-husband Jason Alexander had a phone conversation about current boyfriend Jason Trawick "beat on me." Hours later, Radar published audio of the alleged conversation. But Britney's lawyers say it's all a fake.

Access Hollywood reporter Billy Bush (of the opposite-of-Access-Hollywood-Bushes) scored the exclusive: Britney Spears' manager Larry Rudolph says Radar's recording is "100 percent not her." He continues, "Lawyers are amassing. We are 100 percent taking stern and immediately legal action."

So where did Radar's recording come from? Did Jason Alexander get someone to fake Britney's voice so he could sell a falsified recording? (And is his Britney impersonator available for humorous viral videos? That's some marketable vocal talent.) How hard up on cash do you have to be to do that to a childhood friend and lover you once married on a whim in Las Vegas, only to annul the nuptials 55 hours later?

And what about Star's ridiculous black eye photo, which I'm still pretty sure is an enhanced image of Britney from a day when her mascara was running? Forget what this does to Britney, her family, and the public. Let us consider the dignity of the poor kid with a BFA in art photography who is now chained to a computer at Star HQ, forced to perform acts of digital violence. Will nobody speak for him? He is a victim, too, relegated to digitally bludgeoning Britney one week, enhancing cellulite on Mischa Barton's butt the next. Save the photo retouchers! Leave Britney alone! [AH, image via Jezebel]


Britney Spears' Ex Says Her Boyfriend Beats Her