A woman was found dead in the bathtub of a room at the exclusive-ish Manhattan club and hotel (the one with the pool on the roof, from Sex and the City) early this morning. Update: Police have questioned her companion.

The companion, according to the New York Post, was 26-year-old NIcholas Brooks, the son of composer Joseph Brooks ("You Light Up My Life"), who is currently facing criminal charges for sexual assault. Interesting family! Police have questioned the younger Mr. Brooks about the mysterious death of his 33-year-old date, who was found when someone in the room below complained about a water leakage:

The woman was dressed and sitting in the bathtub with the water running, sources said.

Hotel workers went up to the room after the people staying in the room below called 911 and complained that water was leaking through the ceiling, the sources said.

The woman had checked into the room with Brooks on Wednesday. It is unknown as to why Brooks paid for a room since he lives in Manhattan.

No one else was in the room at the time of the body's discovery.

Paramedics pronounced her dead at the scene.

There were no apparent signs of trauma found on the body. The cause of death remains under investigation, police said.

Curiouser and curiouser.