First Baptist Church—a Dallas megachurch with a pastor who calls Islam an "evil, evil religion"—want everyone to have a Merry Christmas. They want it so badly, they're public shaming businesses that don't say "Merry Christmas" to customers.

It all started when a local Christian radio station heard about a Southlake, TX bank that had "fallen into the trap of political correctness" and elected not to display a Christmas tree this year. They took this as a personal affront. (Martyrdom complex?) They did a broadcast shaming that bank, which relented and put a tree in its lobby.

Heartened by this success, First Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress launched, a catch-all message board for publicly shaming those who fail to "show outward signs of supporting Christmas." If you're not a Christian, GTFO. And if you are a Christian, know that it's not enough to have Jesus in your heart—you must also wear him on your sleeve. Here are some sample floggings from Grinch Alert's "Naughty" list:

Crowley City Hall - Crowley Texas
"The city hall at Crowley has GIANT letters in front of the city buildings that say "HAPPY HOLIDAYS"......I say "booooooooo"!!! Merry Christmas is the true REASON for the SEASON!!!"

Target - Probably all
"I was looking for an ornament that reflected the reason for the season, and I could not find anything that said Merry Christmas. I'm tired of seeing ONLY snowmen, Santa Clauses, snowflakes, birds, glitter, ect. I could not find a gift bag, an ornament, or a gift box with a manger or the Holy Family on it. My husband & I will make a conscious effort to support stores like Mardel's, Hobby Lobby, Life Way, or church bookstores that support Christmas wholeheartedly."

...and some sample kudos from the "Nice" list:

City of Marshall - Marshall, Michigan
"I am very thankful to live in a city that displays a life-size Nativity in the middle of town."

"I don't want to offend anybody, but here at Park Central OB/GYN Associates, we say "Merry Christmas!" After all, Jesus is the reason for the season!!!"

Kincaid's Hamburgers - Southlake, TX
"After checking out, the clerk told me Merry Christmas, to which i responded with a Merry Christmas. Glad to see that many people still arent conforming to the over jealous minority. More than 85% of Americans celebrate Christmas, including many non christians. I dont understand why the minority is offended if they recieve a Merry Christmas greeting. I would not take offense to someone wishing me a happy Hanukkah. I would understnad they take pride in what they celebrate and gladly want to spread their holiday. Its "happy holidays" that offends me. It is just a way of saying, "although there is well over an 85% chance you celebrate Christmas, i am afraid of offending the other 15%, so happy holidays".

Anyone can submit a Grinch Alert, but after a few dust-ups in the "Naughty" list (someone put First Baptist Church there) the alerts are now moderated. Hopefully this one gets through!

Click to enlarge.

[GrinchAlert, Dallas Observer, Christian News Weekly]