Comment of the Day: We're Here, We're Queer, and We're Not Going Over There

Today we were disappointed by the failure of the Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal. Lots of grumbling and moaning abounded, but one commenter has an active plan. A plan to make some things change in this country.
So everybody out there who's draft eligible, this is what you're gonna do. You're gonna look up that old college friend or put an ad up on craigslist, drink a lot of patron, and make a gay sex tape. If you don't feel like getting fired from your day job, just make it some heavy kissing.Then we'll collect all the videos, and put them up on a website called "This is Why I'm Not Going to War for You, You Stupid Sacks of Shit". And we'll send a link to every goddamn one of those dinosaurs.