"You're gonna shit a brick when you see this," Miley's friend says while filming her smoking a bong. Julia Roberts attacks a paparazzo. Bieber takes a Disney star on a date. Rabbits turn James Franco on. TGIFriday gossip.

  • Miley Cyrus says she's "having a little bit of a bad trip" and dissolves into giggles in a video a friend made of the Disney star smoking a bong at her house five days after her eighteenth birthday. TMZ claims it's not weed she's smoking, but salvia (really?) which is legal, which makes me think one of Miley's friends is the person who leaked the video, and has some weird code of honor wherein selling Miley out is OK, but incriminating her in an actual illegal act is not. "You're gonna shit a brick when you see this," the camera woman (ominously?) says. [TMZ]
  • On the opposite end of the starlet spectrum, Taylor Swift turns 21 next week, and is planning a highly boring "Christmas-themed" party at her house. She might have a drink, but she has "never felt really compelled to be drunk." [People]
  • Lindsay Lohan paid the Betty Ford Clinic $500/day to staff the extra security personnel that a rehabilitating starlet requires. Apparently she's pissed because she thinks they wasted her money on lazy guards. [TMZ]
  • "Sometimes rabbits, like, turn me on. I don't know why." Just another day in the life of James Franco, who gave an interview about the time he sat in a room and watched a gay gigolo fuck a guy. "It was like a movie, but it wasn't a movie. It was the real thing." Truth. [Popeater]
  • Ooh, a picture of Juia Roberts fighting a paparazzo. Funny how fighting the paparazzi generally results in the opposite of the intended effect. Then again, Julia wanted the guy to stop taking pictures of her kids, so maybe she fought him so everyone would use pictures of the showdown instead of her babies? [Radar]
  • The morning after they performed at the Q102 Jingle Ball, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber went on a date to a pancake house. They walked arm-in-arm! They held hands! "Cuddly"! An angry mob of Beliebers are sharpening their talons as we speak. [TMZ]
  • Michelle Trachtenberg went on a couple dates with Knicks player Danilo Gallinari. Always great to bring a guy home to your parents and say, "They call him the Italian Stallion." [P6]
  • Speaking of basketball players, San Antonio Spur Manu Ginobili is saw a UFO the other day and posted a video of it on Facebook. It might have been a Boeing spacecraft. Or it might have been aliens. [TMZ]
  • Is it bad that this quote from Michelle Duggar calling her kid "chunky little peanut" makes me hungry for a spoonful of Skippy's? [Radar]
  • Twilight is filming in Baton Rouge, which means Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and one Jonas brother—who is dating vampire lass Ashley Greene—get to give local tweens heart attacks every time they wander over to the local California Pizza Kitchen. No, seriously, Ashley and Joe Jones actually went on a date there. I really want to know which pizza they ate. My bet is barbecue chicken. [People]
  • No, Kelsey Grammer doesn't watch his ex-wife on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, his new fiancee told a gossip reporter while Kelsey stood there squeezing her ass. [P6]
  • Today on The View, former co-host Lisa Ling will discuss a miscarriage she had six months ago. "I felt more like a failure than I'd felt in a very long time," she said when they taped the show yesterday. Now she's starting a secret-sharing website for ladies. The Wikileaks of hearts. [People]