Last month the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a recall on supposedly lead-laced superhero and Wizard of Oz drinking glasses because they're made for children. Well, the CPSC has changed course, saying they're for adults, and therefore just fine! (Updated)

In November, the AP conducted tests on glasses (made in CHINA) purchased at Warner Brothers Studios stores, where they were sometimes displayed right next to lunch boxes and kid's clothes. The results showed that the glasses contained some 1,000 times the amount of lead permitted for children's products. However... a spokesman for the CPSC, Scott Wolfson, told the AP yesterday, "After thoughtful analysis by child behavior experts at CPSC, it has been determined that the glasses are not children's products." Bottom's up, adults who like to purchase Star Wars and Wonder Woman painted glasses for their personal use, because a little bit of lead never really hurt anyone!

And really, the argument that these aren't kid's products? Now that's some bullshit.

Update: Mr. Wolfson got in touch to say that no recall was issued by the CPSC, but that he issued an incorrect statement last month to the AP about the glasses being children's products. Apologies for my error. (But they're still kid's products, IMO!)