On last night's How I Met Your Mother, Lily and Marshall shared a big announcement which, after a brief moment of happiness, prompts everyone to re-assess the direction of their own lives. NPH's Oprah impression and Alex Trebek's cameo inside!

After being effected by the news, Barney decides to be charitable with his new bonus check from work. He gives his friends a bunch of free stuff presented in the vein of "Oprah's Favorite Things." Of course, Barney's gifts range from tracksuits to condoms, and instead of a trip to Australia, the whole bar gets a trip to "THEEE STRIIIIPP CLUUUUBBBBB!!"

[There was a video here]

For Barney, it was mass gift-giving and a diamond suit, but Robin faced a decision between two jobs. One is a low-level research job at the place she wants to eventually work at and the other is on a fictional show called Million Dollar Heads or Tails. She'd be the "coin-flip bimbo" alongside fellow canuck Alex Trebek.

[There was a video here]

Towards the end of the episode, we discover that while Barney and Robin are freaking out because of how well Marshall and Lily are doing—the pair is actually freaking out. They decide to "make a list of everything that needs to get done before the baby arrives and get that list done TONIGHT" and proceed to freak out for a day and a half.

[There was a video here]

In the end, Ted gets all "Ted" on everybody and pushes them in the right direction. He tells Robin to take the news job job (she does), Barney to return his diamond suit (he does) and sends Marshall and Lily right back to their apartment and demands they "lie together as man and wife" until Lily is with-child (they do.) Happy New Year, all is right in the HIMYM universe, for now. Although I really would have liked to see Robin's career as a game show bimbo working with Alex Trebek play out a little longer!