Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Neil Patrick Harris does his "Oprah's Favorite Things" impression, Ricky Gervais shares tales of the pranks he pulled at his mother's funeral, Colin Quinn does impressions, and Conan re-edits Sarah Palin and Oprah's Most Fascinating interview.

Ricky Gervais is Always a Comedian — Even at His Own Mother's Funeral
On the Late Show, Dave prompted Gervais to talk about his childhood, where "the worst crime was to be boring." Apparently, the mantra stuck with the family—even at his Mother's funeral. Inside, he details all of the family's hijinks.

Neil Patrick Harris Does His Oprah's "Favorite Things" Impression
On last night's How I Met Your Mother, Lily and Marshall shared a big announcement which, after a brief moment of happiness, prompts everyone to re-assess the direction of their own lives. NPH's Oprah impression and Alex Trebek's cameo inside!

Conan Shows Some "Un-Aired Clips" of Sarah Palin, Oprah's Most Fascinating Interview
Last night, Conan aired some "un-aired cips" from Baraba Walters' special—and by "un-aired clips", we mean clips that were completely doctored by Conan O'Brien's staff to be funnier. Inside, some interesting admissions from Oprah and Sarah Palin.

Eric Stonestreet Spits All Over George Lopez
Modern Family's Eric Stonestreet spit all over George Lopez last night while telling a story about his years as a clown. The interview is brought to a complete halt after that to play slow-motion replays of the spit. Bravo!

Jimmy and Colin Quinn Talk Impressions
On Late Night, Colin Quinn stops by to talk about his new show directed by Jerry Seinfeld. When Jimmy busts into his Seinfeld impression, Colin admits that he has a few of his own and performs his, lesser-known, "Situation" impression.