On Saturday morning, 27 year-old Citigroup associate Jessica Fashano—by all accounts a bright, caring, and popular woman—walked into the Trump Place tower on Manhattan's Riverside Boulevard, rode to the roof, and jumped off. Why?

Here's what we know so far, from reports in every paper:

  • Jessica grew up in New Jersey. She was 27, and an investment banking associate at Citi.
  • She was extremely active in charity work.
  • "She had been taking medication for depression, police sources said."
  • On Saturday morning, she walked 16 blocks north of her Midtown apartment to the Trump Place tower. From the NYT: "A resident said she was returning from walking her dog and rode up with Ms. Fashano in the elevator. Dressed for the cold in Ugg boots and a winter jacket, Ms. Fashano asked the woman how to get to the roof - which has views of the Hudson River and New Jersey, where Ms. Fashano grew up. The resident, who declined to be identified, said Ms. Fashano seemed alert and aware."
  • Fashano's body was found in the building's courtyard shortly after 8 a.m. Saturday morning. A resident reported hearing a "really bad sound - a boom."
  • Friends have set up a memorial page for her on Facebook. Tributes to "her smile, her laugh, her passion for everything she did" abound.

And that's it. There's no suspicion of foul play at this point. Just tragedy. Hug your loved ones for Christmas.

[Photos: Citigroup, Facebook]