Miley's Christmas Karaoke: Sister Duet to Can't Be Tamed

Miley and Noah do a Christmas karaoke duet. Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig hold hands. Where did Selena Gomez's promise ring go? Prince sees The Nutcracker. Monday gossip is full of Christmas leftovers.
- Miley Cyrus celebrated Christmas by singing her own song on a karaoke machine. (Has that ever happened before? The original singer singing her own song karaoke? Other than every time Ashlee Simpson performs in concert, I mean.) She and 10-year-old sister Noah sang awkwardly sexual teen rebellion anthem "Can't Be Tamed" together, thereby continuing the Cyrus family tradition of getting the smallest child to sing the most age-inappropriate song, for the merriment of others. Big sister Brandi tweeted that it was "hilarious." [People, @theBrandiCyrus, image via Getty]

Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig were photographed holding hands over Christmas weekend. She's rebounding for a nine-year marriage to Darren Aronofsky, and he's rebounding from a long-term relationship a movie producer. [Us, People, NOTW]
- The Jolie-Pitts spent Christmas in Namibia, birthplace of Shiloh. They bought some last-minute gifts at a shopping mall in Windhoek, Namibia (Town Square Mall, located at the nexus of Fidel Castro Street and Robert Mugabe Avenue?) but Angie was already done with her Christmas, shopping, anyway. It's not like you can buy walkways paved with emerald-cut diamonds and toilets that flush with the tears of 10,000 Nepalese virgins at any old shopping mall. [Us]
- Speaking of troubled Disney starlets (when are we not?) Demi Lovato was granted a special leave from rehab to celebrate Christmas with her mother, stepfather, and sisters. She returned to treatment later that day. [People]
- Speaking of inappropriately sexualized Disney starlets (when are we not?) now that Selena Gomez is maybe-dating Justin Bieber, it is simultaneously more and less appropriate to ask, Where did Selena's promise ring go? She wore it two years ago, when she was 16! Now she's 18 and nobody's seen it in a while. I'd speculate further, but we would be discussing the sex lives of teenagers. Did we not learn our lesson during the miseducation of Britney Spears? Just don't wear matching denim outfits and you'll be fine, Biebez. [TMZ]
- Prince went to see The Nutcracker. There's a joke to be made about his high voice and/or orgiastic love life, but I can't seem to put it together. [P6]
- Kate Middleton and Prince William spent Christmas separately. They've got their whole life for tense Christmases with the Windsors, after all. [Us]
- Dierks Bentley's wife had a baby girl on Christmas morning. I was more excited about this story when I thought it was about Farnsworth Bentley, butler to the hip-hop stars, but mazel tov to Dierks, too! [People]