On Christmas Eve, a Dallas pastor, Sandy McGriff, was arrested for breaking into her friend's home and allegedly stealing fur coats, a laptop, and designer purses. McGriff says she thwarted two burglars, but an eyewitness has a different story.

McGriff, who invited reporters to her home to tell her side of the story, says "something just told me to go past her house," referring to her friend, and parishioner of The Church of the Living God, Serita Agnew. McGriff says she saw two men leaving the home, but instead of calling 911, she decided to "protect" Agnew's valuables, by climbing through a window and stashing them in her car. According to the Dallas Morning News:

She grabbed a laptop from the bedroom and three designer purses and put them in the Jaguar's back seat. Police arrived about 5:30 p.m. to see her carrying two fur coats out the back door, according to the arrest warrant affidavit.

What a good friend! Oh, but Agnew's neighbor just happened to be watching, and offered a slightly different story:

Agnew's neighbor David Nanez had a different version of events. He said Monday that he had just come home from work when he saw a woman at Agnew's house. They waved at each other. Nanez said he kept watching as the woman hit the window with something. He said she tried to use an 8-foot wooden ladder to get in the window, but she slipped. So she got a 5-gallon bucket from the backyard to boost herself through the window, he said.

Police arrived as McGriff was making a second trip from her friend's home. McGriff was arrested for burglary and resisting arrest under a different name, Kathy Robinson, which she says that was an alias she used as a "troubled youth." Here's a video interview with McGriff inside her home. At 1:40, she seems to misremember what happened. Oops!

[Dallas Morning News; Image via Facebook]