Is this Bieber kissing Selena Gomez? Tween blog BieberHeiress says yes, and they once leaked photos of Bieber snuggling his ex, so they would know. For Bieber micro-gossip is a young blogger's game, that my brittle old mind barely comprehends.

Of note: That is totally what Selena's ears look like.

Also of note: There is dissent within the Biebersphere as to whether or not the picture is real. You can't really see their faces, and if ever there was a body of people motivated enough to fake or stage a Justin Bieber makeout picture, Beliebers would probably be it.

It is simultaneously charming and terrifying that tween gossip bloggers are capable of making news about major pop stars. Will these tech-savvy children grow up to be turbo-charged Harvey Levins? Is breaking news on multimedia platforms now a natural part of childhood development? Maybe gossip blogging : teens today :: Xeroxed zines : teens of yore? My ballpoint-pen-drawn comic books were far less savvy than this. [BieberHeiress, images via BieberHeiress and Bauer-Griffin]