The Chinese government today released a plan to end taxpayer-funded, booze-fueled sex parties in 2011, as well as official "seminars" held in Las Vegas and other cities that cost the country around $58 billion every year. That's some serious partying.

The China Daily newspaper reported on the government's white paper, released today, called "China's Efforts to Combat Corruption and Build a Clean Government." It seems that Chinese government officials take corruption to a whole new level ($58 billion/year!). And, quite honestly, some of these parties sound incredible! A recap of the government's plan to stamp out corruption, from the AP:

Some of the parties to make headlines have seen officials die after excessive drinking at banquets. One official was arrested after diary entries he allegedly wrote appeared online describing casual sex, drinking and under-the-table payments at parties.

Lavish official tours to Las Vegas and other places cost taxpayers about 400 billion yuan ($58 billion) every year, according to state broadcaster CCTV. On one such trip several years ago, officials spent taxpayers' money on a $700-a-night Las Vegas hotel and visits to a San Francisco sex show.

It reached a point where President Hu Jintao gave a speech in April warning officials of the temptations of beautiful women, money and power.

If you're going to be a corrupt politician, you might as well do it right. Right?

[AP; Image via]