Is Lindsay Lohan in Rehab, Or Isn't She?

Shortly after news broke that Lindsay Lohan left rehab, Dina Lohan issued a statement: "'It's a great day,' Lohan's mother, Dina, told E! Online, confirming her daughter was released." But Lindsay issued her own statement: "I didn't leave." WTF?
Lindsay gave her statement to Gossip Cop, which reported,
In an exclusive statement to Gossip Cop, Lohan tells us, "I didn't leave [rehab]," adding "[I'm] going to the gym."
So either Lindsay's lying, Dina's lying, Dina gets her Lindsay news from the tabloids, or something got lost in translation. All four possibilities seem likely to me! [Image of LiLo carrying a reportedly non-alcoholic beverage via Pacific Coast News]