Today at Gawker.TV, Gwenyth Paltrow gets her 90s groove on, The Bachelor returns, How I Met Your Mother's brilliant "bad news," Snooki talks getting fired and that other show the star of Lifetime's Craigslist Killer movie was in last night.

Snooki Recalls Getting Fired From Filene's Basement For Coming Into Work Drunk
Jersey Shore's pouf-iest guidette appeared on the Tonight Show to promote her new book (sigh) and she proved to be entertaining. She spoke about her new boyfriend, new drink, and the time she was fired from the "Old Women's" department.

HIMYM Gets Real With "Bad News," It's Smartest (And Saddest) Episode Yet
A slow clap for the writers that work on How I Met Your Mother. This episode tackled an array of tough subjects (being infertile, losing a parent) with a touching episode complete with a hidden message running through it.

Gwyneth and Jimmy Go Back to Their 90's Roots
Is it just us or is Late Night obsessed with 90's specifics? On last night's episode, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jimmy remind us of their 90's band Shazzazz. Think Salt 'n Pepa if they wrote "This Is How We Do It".

Greek Returns With a Cast of Faces You'll Vaguely Recall From Other TV Shows
The fourth (and final!) season of Greek kicked off last night, ironically airing at the same time as Lifetime's Craigslist Killer movie. This begs the question, "Why does this cast look so darn familiar?" We break it down, inside.

The Bachelor's Brad Womack is Back, and So Are His Muscles
We all know that the people who make The Bachelor don't have much shame, but last night they reached a new apex. In their attempt to market Brad as a sensitive hunk looking for love and redemption, they really scored.