Steve Jobs will reportedly show up at the launch of Rupert Murdoch's The Daily. With Murdoch's News Corp. sinking a reported $30 million into a product designed specifically for Jobs' iPad, it seems like the least Apple's CEO could do.

Jobs will join Murdoch at San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art to launch The Daily, says Yahoo's Cutline blog. Murdoch's inner circle is said to have hoped Jobs would even agree to bundle the Daily with the iPad itself, as we've reported previously, but it's not clear if those rumors will pan out. It also remains to be seen whether the product can be anywhere near as successful as Jobs' other recent launches, the iPhone 4 and iPad.

It should be about as locked down, however, if Rex Sorgatz's sources are to be believed: The media consultant hears a rumor The Daily's website will have "no homepage, and everything will be blocked from search engines.... Articles are there, but you can only find [one] if someone links to it."

Bizarre, sure, but this could be the most unbelievable, magical, revolutionary hidden website the world has ever known.

[Photos via Getty]