Tosh.0 came back with a Web Redemption of Antoine Dodson and a string of rape jokes. Tosh also made fun of Pittsburgh Steeler Ben Roethlisberger, and introduced his newest game, "Is he retarded?" Watch inside.

After ending last season with incredible ratings and unbelievable popularity, the third season of Tosh.0 sounds like it's going to have awesome guests- anticipating people like Tay Zonday and the Mobile, Alabama leprechaun believers.

While having always toed the line between offensive and blatantly abusive, Tosh took it to another level tonight. From making jokes about AIDS to rape and the age of legal consent, Tosh probably found a way to offend most kinds of people on tonight's show. Antoine on the other hand, was pretty hilarious...and went to school for business?

Tosh.0Tosh Tuesdays 9pm / 8c
Tosh.0 VideosDaniel ToshWeb Redemption

After this segment, Tosh showed his newest game,"Is he retarded?", which featured the non-English rants of a toothless teenage boy. Tosh can be hilarious, but this was cruel.